But, hoarding is not without its benefits. Like when I saved the excess fabric from making our headboard six years ago and I just used it to sew Lilly Kate's crib bedding. Free crib bedding! Or when I saved the scrap muslin fabric from making a crib skirt four years ago and just used it to create this adorable little dress!
See, sometimes hoarding pays off! (Especially when your husband puts you on a strict cash-only diet and you are forced to use up all the scrap fabric you have in order to stay on budget! I dedicate this blog post to you, honey.) All that to say, in my online quest for a cute and free dress/romper pattern, I came up short, so I decided to make my own. And being the generous person that I am, I've decided to share it with you here! Fellow fabric hoarders: rejoice! You can make this dress with less than a yard of fabric! Let's get started!